Make a donation
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Donate via Paypal
Click here to securely donate online:
Your donation will assist us to do more:
- Reaching out to more communities and developing support groups for our survivors.
- Creating material to be used during our awareness campaigns.
- Addressing public meetings in rural communities in the OR Tambo district.
- Supporting our volunteer network with travel and associated costs when reaching out to communities.
- Assist in hosting events where survivors can share their stories.
Donate via Paypal
Click here to securely donate online:
Direct payment
Please email confirmation of payment to:
Account Name: Celebrate Life Foundation NPC
Bank: First National Bank
Branch No: 255355 (Branch code for EFT 250655)
Account No.: 62645580144
Account type: Business Cheque Account
Reference: Your name
Celebrate Life Foundation is a registered non-profit company (PBO No:930056971)
which is run and managed by a board of directors who assist on a purely voluntary basis.
Celebrate Life Foundation operates on donations received from the public.
Become a volunteer
Become a part of our family by donating your time, skills and valuable experience to help us grow.
We need volunteers in the various communities where we will be hosting cancer awareness events.
You can also assist us with fundraising. We also need professionals who would like to be a part of our Health Support Network.